Dr. Alexander Rieger التطبيقات

Gentle Wakeup Pro Alarm Clock 2.1.5
Wake up gently and refreshed everydayTurn your device into a sunrise simulator and wake up naturally bylight. Light leads to biological processes in the body leaving thedeep sleep phase and preparing for wake up.You will have complete control over the wake upprocessStart the sunrise 20 minutes before your desired wake-up time anddefine your personal brightness level at the end. Add slowlyincreasing sounds of birds twittering and add a device vibration asa backup 5 min after wake up time. Enjoy a nice weather show beforeyou get out of bedFeatures:- Alarm Clock: Fully functional alarm clock with repeatedalarms and snooze function.- Gentle sounds: Wake up with different gentle sounds oryour favorite music.- Brightness adjustment: Brightness ist adjusted smartly tonot blend in the night.- Weather forecast: An animated weather show presents youthe weather conditions and temperature for the day.- Individual Wakeup: Get waked up without disturbing yourpartner.- Easy and intuitive: All main functions can be accessed bysymbols directly from the main screen.- Soft torch light: Use the soft light to find something inthe nighttime without waking up anyone else.- Portrait and Landscape: Your device can be placed inportrait or landscape mode on your nightstand.- Autostart: The app starts automatically even if you closeit. No additional battery consumption over night.- Skip next alarm: Skip a repeating alarm in case you wakeup earlier. No risk of forgetting to turn alarm on again.Stop waking up stressed out by an alarm tone in themorningIn the stone ages noises meant danger from animals or from enemies.We still have this basic instinct in our brains. Start gettingawake by light and you will never want to wake up by soundsagain.Next features coming soon:- Sunset/Sundown simulator slowly fading the sunlight off overtime(sleep timer) to fall asleep gently (lull)- NightlightExplanation of required Android permissions:- Photos/Media/Files: Access to storage is needed to playyour own songs.- Camera: Access to camera is needed to activate theflashlight. The camera itself is not used.- Location: Location info is required for weather forecast.Location can also be set manually by searching for a cityname.- Contacts: To recommend the app to friends in contactlist.- Fading sunlight simulator lets the sun rise and set- Multiple alarms and clocks- Different ring tones selectable. Music from device or playlist asringtone selectable.- Snooze function with time limit so you do not oversleep- No extreme loud alarm at beginning while still sleeping(increase)- Vibrating function is fully configurable- Diplay will illuminate with sunshine slowly for a softwaking- Device light can be used as a booklight in dark room atnight- Torchlight can be activated as a torch to find something in thenighttime.- Can be used for a siesta sleep at noon as well- Enjoy a relaxing nap and miss no timer thanks to led and xtremealarm clock vibration- Set ramp time for snoozing in bed- Helps with winter depression (blues), stress, insomnia(sleepless/wakeful), burn-out. A morning grouch or night owl willturn into a motivated early bird. No more bad mood in themorning.- Helps with winter depression (blues), stress, insomnia(sleepless/wakeful). A morning grouch or night owl will turn into amotivated early bird. No bad mood in the morning.- Helps with time change (daylight saving zone, standard time) andjet lag
Quiz Hero: Clash with friends 1.0.48
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Can you beat your friends in quiz questions?Clash with all in a multiple choice competition and rank firstplace in questions about TV & film, music, sports and othercategories.Clash and CompetitionClash with a single person or in a competition group and try torank higher than the others.Social playingPlay this multiple choice quiz against your facebook friends,pursuit them, invite friends by email or play games against randomplayers from all over the world.StatisticsCheck your clash statistic against your friends. Who won more gamesand multiple choice rounds? How many perfect trivia rounds did youachieve? Try to crack the highscore.CategoriesIn every round a new player can decide on the category by choosingone of four categories. Select your favorite category to rank highin the multiple choice quiz.Response TimeYou want all players to respond fast? You can play quick riddlegames with 10 mins response time or long games giving up to 48 hrswithout a hurry.And best of all: You will improve your general education and iqsimply by playing this free braintrainer edu game.
Math Hero: Quiz with friends 1.0.48
Dr. Alexander Rieger
1,2,3,PI! Can you beat your friends inmentalarithmetic? Clash with all in a multiple choice mathcompetitionand rank first place in calculation such as addition,subtraction,percentage, ratio, multiplication or division.Clash and CompetitionClash with a single person or in a competition group and try torankhigher than the others.Social playingPlay this multiple choice math quiz against your facebookfriends,invite friends by email or play games against randomplayers fromall over the world.Duel StatisticsCheck your duel statistic against your friends. Who won moregamesand multiple choice rounds? Who can count faster using onlythehead? How many perfect rounds did you achieve? Try to beatthehighscore.Difficulty LevelsFind the difficulty level which suits you best. Even with aneasylevel you will still duel with others by answering faster thanyouropponents.CategoriesIn every round a new player can decide on the category bychoosingone of four math challenges such as addition, subtractionorpercentage. Select your favorite category to rank high inthemultiple choice math.Response TimeYou want all players to respond fast? You can play quick gameswith10 mins response time or long games giving up to 48 hrs withoutahurry.And best of all: You will improve your math skills simply byplayingthis free braintrainer edu game. 1,2,3,PI!
Gentle Wakeup - Sleep & Alarm Clock with Sunrise 5.1.1
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Wake up gently and relaxed every day Slowly increasing light andsound in the morning will help you out of any deep sleep and letyour body prepare for waking up. Fall asleep faster Slowlydecreasing light and natural sound in the evening will lull you tosleep. A sleep aid slows down your breathe. Sleep better throughthe night Soothing sounds from nature or home at a low volume willhelp you to stay asleep. Features: ✓ Alarm clock: Fully functionalfree alarm clock with repeat alarms and snooze function. ✓ Truesunrise: The device changes colors from red to yellow like a realsunrise. ✓ Gentle sounds: Wake up with different natural sounds,instrumental music or your own favorite sounds. ✓ Big nightstandclock: A sleep clock that shows digital time and wake up time atnight and can play sleep music to help you get to sleep faster. ✓Power napping: Take a power nap during the day and wake uprefreshed and with new energy after 20 min. ✓ Sleep timer: Easilyfall asleep in the evening with a sunset and decreasingly gentlesounds (ASMR). ✓ Sleep aid: Helps to slow down your breathing toget you asleep faster and more relaxed. Set timer for the speedthat you wish to decrease from. ✓ Sleeping sounds: Sleep betterwith background sounds! Choose from sounds like rain, wind,crickets or white noise. It also supports all sleep cycles likelight sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep. ✓ Weather and clothes: Theweather forecast with clothing symbols that always recommends theright clothing for today\'s weather. For rain, snow, sun and hot orcold – this app will recommend the right clothes to wear. ✓Beautiful Countdowns:Count the number of days, weeks, and evenminutes until your next holiday, birthday party or any other eventyou need to remember. Choose from over 100 beautifully designedcounters and share them with your friends. ✓ Brightness adjustment:Brightness is smartly adjusted to not blind you in the night. ✓Individual wake up: Get woken up without disturbing your partner. ✓Easy and intuitive: All main features can be accessed by iconsdirectly on the main screen. ✓ Soft torch light: Use the soft lightto find something in the night without waking up anyone else whileyou find what you need. ✓ Portrait and landscape: Your device canbe placed in portrait or landscape mode on your nightstand orbedside table. ✓ Autostart: The app can start automatically even ifyou close it. No additional battery consumption. ✓ Skip next alarm:Skip a repeating alarm in case you need to wake up earlier. Now youwill be at no risk of forgetting to turn alarm on again. ✓ Customrepeat options: Repeat alarms every second monday, every second dayor set specific calendar days to coincide with you work shifts. ✓Guided Meditation: Fall asleep with guided relaxation and guidedsleep meditation (english). Wake up with mindfulness. Permissions:http://bit.ly/2oWzYDS Prevent sleep disorders Gentle sleep soundsand light may help with sleeping disorders caused by any cause suchas: stress, jet lag, depression, migraine, headache, motivation,tinnitus, insomnia, burn-out, autism, PTSD, anxiety disorder, ADHD,mental disorder. Please note that the app is not a medical productand sleep disorders should always be diagnosed by a doctor. But itmay help you to sleep without having to use sleeping pills. Youwill have complete control over the wake up process Start thesunrise 20 minutes before your desired wake-up time and define yourwanted brightness level at the end of the alarm. Slowly increasethe volume of the sound of birds twittering and add a devicevibration as a backup 5 min after wake up time. Enjoy a nicemorning summary including weather forecast before you get out ofbed. Start waking up with increasing light and you will never wantto wake up by harsh sounds again.
Fair Decision Maker 1.0.8
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Less sibling squabbling. More quality time.
Gentle Wakeup: Sun Alarm Clock 8.3.6
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Turn your Android into a professional wake up light.
Sleep Fast - guided breathing 7.7.3
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Fall asleep up to 3x faster by slowing down your breath.
Noise Suppressing Night Clock 7.7.2
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Suppresses noise. Sleep better.
Sleep Timer with nature sounds 7.7.3
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Fall asleep gently by a true sunset.
Gentle Nap - Nature sounds 7.7.2
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Suppress background noise with ocean waves. Wake up with birdstwittering.
100 Countdowns 8.1.7
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Over 100 countdowns & widgets for your special day.
Weatherproof - What to wear? 8.1.5
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Always choose the right clothing for rain, cold, heat and sunshine.
Fit4All - fit in 30 days 7.7.0
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Fitness for all. Over 70 fitness videos.
Ramadan Alarm Clock 8.3.0
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Wake up before sunrise for Suhoor and Fajr prayers.
Gentle Jet Lag 8.3.1
Dr. Alexander Rieger
Prevent jet lag by slowly adjusting to the new time zonebeforetravelling.